13 year old Rebecca Black, best known for her song Friday which became a viral hit online, is pregnant.
One of Rebecca’s closest friends revealed the news on their Facebook wall. The post was soon deleted but the revelation had already spread to websites such as CNN, Allvoices and Twitter. Apparently Rebecca did not want the news made public yet, she even disabled comments on the Friday video which has 140 million views on Youtube.
Rebecca’s boyfriend Nat Wolff is assumed to be the father. They have been seen together at functions and award ceremonies since meeting last year.
Black has already been criticized by some for allowing herself to become pregnant, many are concerned that she is setting a bad example for teens. Rebecca has previously acknowledged that she is a role model for young people. The community at babycenter.com was particularly critical with many calling for Rebecca to seriously consider an abortion. Black has previously spoken about her pro-live values.
Other websites such as skiphopz.com and a new Facebook group dedicated to Rebecca’s pregnancy have been more supportive. Rebecca Black herself has not made a statement about her pregnancy at this time.
…I guess she chose the backseat after all.

Jordan Couzens is the man behind JordanTBH Technologies. He has a keen interest in Technology and Computer Programming.
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