March 2011

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Live: From Apple’s iPad 2 event

We’re going to be liveblogging Apple’s iPad 2 announcement (and whatever else they have in store). Check back at the times below, and get ready to make history together!

Please check engadget! for the latest pictures and news.

10:15AM Doctors are using the iPad… and spending more time with patients. Also, the iPad has been performing brain surgery.

10:14AM Chicago schools… using the iPad, seeing huge gains.

10:13AM Yes, Apple.

10:13AM Phil: Some people call this a post-PC device.

10:13AM Gist of the video — the iPad is magical. Sales were through the roof. Stuff is amazing.

10:12AM Phil Schiller: No one predicted this would be as successful as it’s been.

10:11AM Hmm… screen just says… Video. Oh there we go.

10:11AM “We made a video about 2010, the year of the iPad…” Video time!

10:11AM “One of the things that’s helped us roll this out so fast is our retail stores. They were built for moments like this. We have hundreds of Apple stores now. Without them, we wouldn’t have been successful.”

10:10AM Ouch — Honeycomb logo… 100 apps.

10:10AM “There’s never been anything like this for photography… 65,000 apps specifically for the iPad.”

10:10AM “They’re taking advantage of this incredible, magical UI.”

10:10AM “Fantastic games, a lot of apps for business and vertical markets. The things people are doing here are amazing.”

10:09AM Steve is showing off some of the iPad app selection.

10:09AM “Samsung put one out last year. They said ‘our sell-in was quite aggressive, 2m, but our sell out was quite small’.” Zing!

10:09AM “Many have said this is the most successful consumer product ever launched. Over 90% market share… our competitors were flummoxed.”

10:08AM “We sold 15m iPads… that’s more than every tablet PC ever sold.”

10:08AM “When we said the iPad was magical, people laughed at us. But it’s turned out to be magical. And people questioned whether it was an ‘unbelievable’ price — well ask our competitors.”

10:07AM “Today we’re here to talk about Apple’s third post-PC blockbuster product. That’s how we think about these things. We started with the iPod, then we added the iPhone, and then the iPad. Every one has been a blockbuster.”

10:07AM “We’re in a position where most of our revenue comes from these products.”

10:06AM “Lastly — we recently shipped our 100 millionth iPhone.”

10:06AM “A lot of people have tried to copy this.”

10:05AM “Another milestone… let’s look at the App Store. We recently paid out over $2b to devs in total. Devs have earned over $2b from selling their apps on the App Store.”

10:05AM “Now Amazon doesn’t publish their numbers, but it’s likely this is the most accounts with credit cards anywhere on the internet.”

10:05AM “That’s iBooks. As you know, that’s one of our three stores. They all use the same Apple ID to access them. Recently, we just crossed 200m accounts.”

10:04AM “We have over 2500 publishers in the iBookstore.”

10:04AM “Users have downloaded over 100m books in less than a year. Today we’re announcing that Random House is bringing over 17k books.”

10:03AM “We’ve got something great to announce today, but first some updates. First iBooks.”

10:03AM “We’ve been working on this product for awhile, and I didn’t want to miss it.”

10:03AM Standing ovation for Steve Jobs. People are flipping out. He looks good!

10:02AM Whoa! Steve is out!

10:02AM The lights are going down… we’re about to begin!

9:59AM “Ladies and gentlemen, our presentation will begin shortly. Please switch devices to silent mode.”

9:58AM As you can by the photo, the chair / table setup is here… just like when Steve showed off the first iPad.

9:58AM Did we mention that they’re playing a lot of Beatles right now?

9:56AM For those wondering — no sign of Steve here, but Jony Ive is in the front row.

9:54AM If you’re seeing any trouble with comments, don’t panic. It looks like Disqus might be experiencing the Apple effect right now.

9:52AM It’s all Beatles all the time here.

9:51AM Joz is also in the house, just being Joz.

9:50AM Packed house today — we can see Tim Cook and Phil Schiller near the stage right now. Expect to see more of them.

9:46AM Okay, we’re in our seats and… the Beatles are on the sound system.

09:31AM We’re inside and waiting to sit down! All the usual suspects are here — and we’ve heard that Pixar’s John Lasseter is somewhere in the mix as well.

08:00AM – Hawaii
10:00AM – Pacific
11:00AM – Mountain
12:00PM – Central
01:00PM – Eastern
06:00PM – London
07:00PM – Paris
09:00PM – Moscow
11:30PM – Mumbai
03:00AM – Tokyo (March 3rd)
05:00AM – Sydney (March 3rd)

All content and photos copyrighted © to and Aol Tech.

Facebook Privacy Notice

Facebook Privacy Notice

Facebook has come up with “Instant personalisation” so what’s this? This allows partners to access your public information (Surely it enhances your experience on other specially selected 3rd party sites?) as it says:
We’ve partnered with a few websites to provide you with great, personalised experiences the moment you arrive, such as immediately playing the music you like or displaying friends’ reviews. To tailor your experience, these partners only access public information (like your name and profile picture) and information available to everyone.” – Facebook

To turn off instant personalisation on all partner sites, un-tick the box and follow:
Go to Account > Privacy Settings > Apps & Websites >Instant Personalization > edit settings & uncheck “Enable” (if available for you!) It shares your information with other website(s)

after all, they can’t just share information with third party sites surely without our consent surely?

Thinking Your Way Through Traffic in a Brain-Control Car

Thinking Your Way Through Traffic in a Brain-Control Car

John Prine wasn’t far off when he sang in “Living In the Future” that “we’re all driving rocket ships and talking with our minds.” We’re still waiting for our rocket ships, but German researchers have developed a car you can drive with your mind.

BrainDriver uses off-the-shelf parts, including an electroencephalography system designed for gaming, to control an autonomous Volkswagen Passat. The car isn’t very fast, and it responds to only rudimentary commands, but it brings us one step closer to the day we’re simply passengers along for the ride in vehicles that drive themselves.

The whole thing was not done as a real application for today, but as a ‘technology push,’ as a proof of concept of what technology can already achieve” says Raul Rojas, a professor of artificial intelligence at the Free University of Berlin. “An intriguing question is how to ‘hybridize’ human and machine, and it was fun to try this with our car.

The thought-controlled car underscores the pace of development since Darpa kick-started autonomous vehicle research in 2004 with the Grand Challenge. In the past six months alone we’ve seen a robotic Audi TTS scale Pikes Peak and students at Virginia Tech University develop a car the blind can drive. Volvo has participated in a successful test of autonomous “road trains,” and Google’s autonomous cars have racked up more than 140,000 miles.

Although we’re still a long way from the day our cars do the driving for us, we’re seeing some of the technology in production cars. Adaptive cruise control is but one example of artificial intelligence on four wheels.

Last year Rojas and his colleagues developed EyeDriver, a car you control with eye movements. That got them thinking about using the human mind to control a vehicle directly.

Thinking Your Way Through Traffic in a Brain-Control Car
BrainDriver uses an electroencephalography headset developed by Emotiv. Sixteen sensors measure the brain’s electromagnetic signals and send them to a computer. The computer translates them into directions — turn left, turn right, accelerate, stop — for the car’s drive-by-wire autonomous system to control the brakes, accelerator and steering.

Of course this is somewhat slow for real driving. since the interpretation-integration of commands takes some time, and therefore you need a big open space to test.” Rojas says.

The technology also doesn’t work with everyone.

There is something people in the brain-computer interface community call ‘BCI literacy,’ that is, that you can really use a BCI and control a computer,” Rojas says. “For unknown reasons a big chunk of the population is BCI-illiterate.

That required testing a handful of students. Only the most “literate” one was turned loose in the Passat.

He is so good that our psychologists at the university are starting now to measure him with much more sensors and even to scan him in an fMRI machine,” Rojas says. “They want to find out why some people are BCI-illiterate and others aren’t.

The team tested the tech two weeks ago at Tempelhof airport to avoid hitting anything, and on campus — albeit with more rigorous control by the human driver. Although the technology works, Rojas says it probably has little application in automobiles.

Since our main goal is that the car drives itself, and we just give commands now and then, probably speech recognition is a better choice,” he says. “But BCI is fascinating, and I cannot really foresee now where all this is going.

Rojas and his team plan to demonstrate their autonomous car with a real-world test in Berlin traffic later this year.

We are about to receive the permission from the city, and we already insured the car for 25 million euros” [$34.5 million], he says. “We don’t think we will need the insurance but the city is not taking any chances!

Photos and video: Freie Universität Berlin.

via, Wired

New Facebook comments system rolled out to websites

Facebook looking for comments

Facebook has unveiled it has refreshed its commenting plug-in that allows Facebook users to comment on websites using their own names.

There are a number of sites already using the Facebook plug-in, including TechCrunch, and it seems that you can now publish the comments you make on articles to your own Facebook feed, allowing your friends to view what you think about particular stories.

It’s an interesting concept that completely opens up the idea of story commenting – something that is usually done through a pseudonym.

Like most commenting systems, a publisher who uses the plug-in can censor certain comments made, including the blacklisting of words and users.

To add the commenting system to a site you will only need a line of code and the ranking of comments will be done through how many Likes a comment gets.

This is not the first major change Facebook has made to its API this week. It also changed its Like button, making it more like the site’s Share feature.

via, PiadContent