Cydia on Apple’s iOS 7.0.4.
If you’ve never tried to jailbreak your iPhone or iPad, then there’s a whole world of tweaks and add-ons that await you. Despite misinformed accounts, jailbreaking will not void your warranty and it’s simple to un-install a jailbreak too – you just restore your device in iTunes. You can also access iTunes, the App Store and all your apps and backups like normal.
So what exactly is jailbreaking? In short, it’s not far from hacking into your Apple product’s software and opening it up for customization. You can change the way it looks and feels, choose from a host of custom apps that aren’t available in Apple’s official App store and a whole bunch of other things – you’ll get customization not far short of an Android device.
If you would rather a clearer guide – please click here
Step 1
The latest jailbreak is only compatible with iOS 7.0.4. Therefore, I’d recommend updating to this version if you haven’t already.
If Apple releases a newer version you won’t be able to install IOS 7.0.4 any more, meaning you’ll be stuck without a way to jailbreak until a new one is released, which could be many months if not more.
Step 2
Download the Jailbreak. There’s only one place to get this from officially and that’s http://evasi0n.com (Windows Link / Mac OS X Link). It’s available for OSX and Windows. Download the appropriate one and unzip the two files within, placing them on your desktop.
Step 3
It’s a good idea to restore your device while connected to your computer first, backing it up as well. A clean install will mean the jailbreak should go smoothly.
Step 4
With your device connected via USB to the computer, run the file evasi0n7. A small window will pop up.
Step 5
Click on Jailbreak. This will start the jailbreak process and you can kick back and relax for a few minutes.
Step 6
Next the installer will ask you to complete a few tasks. The first is to click on a new evasi0n7 app icon on your devices screen – usually on the second or third page of apps and follow any instructions that appear.
Step 7
That’s it! The process will say completed on your computer – you can now disconnect your device
Step 8
You’ll now see a new icon in your device called Cydia – this is where all the tweaks and apps are stored. It’s not quite as slick as the Apple App Store but once you get to know your way around it’s all easy to do.
Tips, Notes & Warnings:
Please make a backup of your device(s) before applying any type of Jailbreak. You’re using evasi0n 7 at your own risk.

Jordan Couzens is the man behind JordanTBH Technologies. He has a keen interest in Technology and Computer Programming.
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