Remember when Rebecca Black asked Justin Bieber to sing a duet with her a few weeks ago? Well, her dream may have come true when the Canadian pop star sang a few bars of her absurdly catchy single “Friday” at a recent concert.
Apparently, the 13-year-old singer has created a shrine to the Biebs in her room.
At the concert, Bieber asked the fans if they wanted to hear his mega-hit “Baby”
Then he started singing Britney Spears‘ “Baby One More Time” before doing it into his own songs. Watch the video below.
On Wednesday, the 17-year-old, currently on tour in Europe, continued to josh his fandom via Twitter:
“so here is the big news they were waiting for me to announce to u once off stage….” – He tweeted.
“OFFICIALLY getting #NEVERSAYNEVER3D to Blu-ray & DVD May13th. Preorder NOW – and I’m signing some for my fans!” #MUCHLOVE” he then added.
Video: Justin Bieber sings Rebecca Black’s “Friday” Britney Spears “Baby One More Time” [+Video]
Date: Nottingham March 24th – Tour
Oh, Justin, you tease them so.
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Jordan Couzens is the man behind JordanTBH Technologies. He has a keen interest in Technology and Computer Programming.
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