As you may or may not know Microsoft yesterday started forcing upgrades to Windows Live Messenger (sometimes abbreviated WLM/MSN) 2011 on Windows 7. Unfortunately the 2011 (It’s 2012 where’s version 2012?) version drops several key features, adds several annoying features, and is not that impressive of an upgrade. Certainly many just prefer to use Live Messenger 2009 and now you can!
When you try and sign in to Messenger 2009 you will see one of theses;
“A newer version is available. You must install the newer version in order to continue. Would you like to do this now?”
or “A newer version has been downloaded and is available. You must install this newer version in order to continue. Would you like to do this now?”
Annoying right? Yes I think so we’ve two ways you can bypass this (I personally recommend option two)
Option 1
To bypass the forced upgrade for Windows Live Messenger 2009, you can download My Messenger Reviver utility however this isn’t recommend, unless they somehow patch option two.
Option 2
1 – Right Click on your “Windows Live Messenger” Icon (either from your desktop or start menu)
2 – Click/Select “Properties” you will see many such as tabs, Shortcut, Compatibility, General, Security, Details and Previous Version.
3 – Click on Compatibility Tab in This Tab you will see “Compatibility Mode”
4 – Check in front of Run this Program in compatibility mode for:
If you use Windows XP, Select Windows NT or 2000 (MSN+ can’t run on this mode) if you use Windows Vista or 7, Select Windows Server 2003(SP1) – MSN+ can run on this mode.
5 – Apply and OK this setting
6 – Restart Messenger (Task Manager) and end msnmesgr.exe
7 – You’re done – Enjoy!
Tried and tested on Windows Vista, 7 & Windows 8 only – please let us know in the comments below if it works on your OS, do you like Messenger 2011 or will you be using this to avoid it?
Note; We take no responsibility in this software or the guide (option o2), The software (“program”) wasn’t developed by us please use at your own risk, Thanks!
UPDATE 21 – 06 – 12
We have noticed doing option 2 in Windows 7 it will no longer show two windows in your task-bar and when you minimize WLM 2009 it will now go to ‘notifications’ area not taskbar it hasn’t closed click the “^” arrow in notifications.

Jordan Couzens is the man behind JordanTBH Technologies. He has a keen interest in Technology and Computer Programming.
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