After 16 years the long-running cookery programme fronted by Ainsley Harriott will be no more. That’s right, the BBC have now confirmed Ready Steady Cook will no longer air after 2011.
Media Guardian report this as being apart of the BBC just trying to freshen up their daytime schedule. There will be no new series and repeats will cease next year.
“After 15 years, 21 series and nearly 2,000 episodes, Ready Steady Cook has hung up its cooking aprons. I’m proud of the show, which will go down in history as the longest running cookery show on TV.”
“BBC Daytime is constantly looking at ways to innovate and refresh our programme formats and, while the series has been hugely popular on BBC2, it was felt that Ready Steady Cook has been taken as far as it could.This will help make way for new cookery shows including The Hairy Bikers’ Cook Off, as well as more drama like Moving On, The Indian Doctor and Land Girls, and current affairs programming, which I really want to be at the heart of Daytime. Ready Steady Cook fans will, however, still be able to enjoy repeats of the show as they will continue to be broadcast for some time yet.”
Harriott says: “I feel privileged to have been part of the Ready Steady Cook family for the past 15 years. I am immensely proud of its success as the longest-running cookery show on British television and will always look back on it with the fondest of memories.“

Jordan Couzens is the man behind JordanTBH Technologies. He has a keen interest in Technology and Computer Programming.
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