
[UPDATED] LimeWire is Back in the Game!

On 1st November 2010 – We posted that “Courts will shut down LimeWire” …read more

That took even less time than I expected. I had a feeling we’d see popular P2P client LimeWire again, but I didn’t think it would be this fast. Reports are surfacing that the software has already been resurrected by a group of self-named hackers. “Not only has a secret dev team reanimated the hugely popular client, but they have also made a few significant changes which make it better and more streamlined than before.”

“Shortly after the software was forced to shut down, a horde of piratical monkeys climbed aboard the abandoned ship, mended its sails, polished its cannons, and released it free to the community.” All dependencies on LimeWire LLC’s servers have been removed, all remote settings have been disabled, the Ask toolbar has been unbundled, and all features of LimeWire PRO have been activated for free. Thus, the creators claim that LimeWire Pirate Edition (LPE) will work better than the last stable version of the old client.

UPDATE: 10/11/2010 (2:55PM GMT)
You can now get LimeWire by going to
Even thought it looks more like the design they used back in 2007!


more news on LimeWire:
Musicweek, Phillyburbs, Hardocp.